The year 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is full of hope
and promise.

My husband and I visited Disney, but after a snowstorm
cancelled flights up and down the eastern seaboard, our five day vacation
turned into a two-week work-cation. I know I probably won’t get much sympathy
on this one, but it was unexpected and expensive.
We had a plentiful garden this year, and a yard full of beautiful sunflowers planted by roving bands of chipmunks and squirrels.
Knowing that there’s never enough time, we took my in-laws
on a cruise to the Bahamas. Laughed, loved, and realized this is probably the
last year we’d ever be able to do this with them, ever.
The summer was warm and autumn trudged on through. My beautiful Siamese
passed away from kidney disease for Halloween. Trump was elected. Then we coasted to
Thanksgiving, when the proverbial wheels fell off the bus.
A series of recent events made me pause, 1) To be thankful
and, 2) To move forward without any more reflection.
- Starting the month, my husband hit a pedestrian who ran onto a highway on-ramp, into the path of his car. It reminded him of his accident when he was hit by a car and we spent a week worrying about this stranger and what she was doing in the dark on the interstate.
- My husband was cycling in our neighborhood when a dog got loose from its owner and bit him. (Aside from fear and dogs being PTSD triggers, he is okay.)
- Last Friday, the company I worked for was acquired and my position was eliminated.
- To start this week, our fully-decorated Christmas tree fell over, shattering several cherished glass ornaments. The carpet may or may not still be damp from all the water that was in the tree stand.
- Just yesterday, I was issued a $75 ticket for failing to have my car inspected. (It’s an annual requirement here in NH and I just hadn’t found the time to get it done.) The car hadn't been driven for weeks, but I needed to go to work to turn in my company assets.
This is where I finally decided to give thanks for a
complete year. I’m looking forward to 2017 with much hope!
We’re getting the hang of living with a TBI and choosing things that are good
for us.
The kids, most of them, appreciate our limitations and accept the way things
I live with a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a warm blanket for
My wish for you for 2017, is that you’ll find support in
your relationships; you’ll seek care for yourself, and you won’t get too
overwhelmed with “life”, to enjoy life. I appreciate you and this group of safe humans... remember that you’re in my circle of
love and I can’t do this without you.